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Rhetorical Situation Reflection For SuperHero Story

Rhetorical situation of my origin story


The original story of “The Flash” (Barry Allen), which Nana wrote, is a one paragraph essay that gives a brief description of how Barry Allen received his powers to become The Flash. There are thousands of essays out there that also gives a summary of how he became who he is now. This essay Nana wrote, is unlike the other essays/articles you find online because of how focused he was on conveying how Barry Allen gained his powers. Where as the other essays talks about his life experiences before and after he got his powers. 


Nana Opoku a recent graduate from Democracy Prep Endurance and a full time student at The City College Of New York, spends most of his leisure time playing soccer or helping out people. Most of his life experiences showed him to be kind and compassionate towards others. He was born and raised in Obuasi, a town in Ghana. Lived there for 15 years, then traveled to the United States to pursue a better education and life. 


People can argue teenageers are the audience to all comic all superhero/villain movies/stories. However, Nana wrote this origin story to everyone and anyone who by any chance watched the Flash and wanted to know more about the origin of how Barry Allen became who he is now.


As part of his assignments and grade requirement in FIQWS 10108-HA14, Nana was told to write an origin story of any superhero or villain that he likes. Even though his purpose of writing this essay was to pass the class, he had different thoughts on interesting it would be to research and write an origin story of a character he doesn’t know much about but watches everyday. 


The setting at which he wrote the story was very comfortable and might be the first places everyone one earth wants to be around that time. It was around 11:45pm on september 8th, where this story was written. While lying on his bed he figured it would be the perfect time and moment to write this story because of how nice and quiet it was.